Pray for Justice, live for justice, act for justice. We conclude this year’s Black History Month with a Prayer for Creation: PRAYER FOR CREATION You asked for my hands that you might use them for your purpose,I gave them for a moment, then withdrew them, for the work was hard.You asked for my mouth to speak out against injustice.I gave you a whisper that I…
Black History Month Challenge Feb 19-25
Further readings and resources from our RJC Resources webpage to include: Feb 21: Critical Race Theory Critical race theory – Wikipedia. Critical race theory: Experts break down what it actually means Feb 22: 1619 Project: A New Origin Story by Nicole Hannah-Jones The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story – Wikipedia The Roots of Ethnicity: The Origins of the Acholi of Uganda Before 1800 by…
Black History Month Challenge Feb 12-18
Systemic Racism: Learn, think, and advocate Start the week by listening to Desmon Cole back in 2018 – Are we there yet? Feb 14: Systemic racism: What it looks like in Canada and how to fight it? | VPFO | UBC Feb 15: The Pervasive Reality of Anti-Black Racism in Canada Feb 16: Social determinants and inequities in health for Black Canadians: A Snapshot –…
Black History Month Challenge Feb 5-11
Action: Acknowledge and educate ourselves of the historical image of Black people in history, both locally and beyond Feb 7: Timeline of Black History in Canada Feb 8: First Black Person in Canada The first Black person thought to have set foot on Canadian soil was Mathieu Da Costa, a free man who was hired by Europeans to act as a translator. Feb…
Black History Month Challenge Feb 1-4
February 1 to 4: Cultural impact of Black Canadians and global citizens Actions: Recognizing Jackie Richardson (Canadian jazz artist, actress and Honorary Inductee into the 2022 Order of Canada); Feb 1: El Jones, Canadian Poet, journalist, Professor and Activist; Lawrence Hill, Canadian novelist, essayist (author, Book of Negroes) Feb 2: Jean Augustine, educator, activist and politician, first Black woman to be elected to parliament in…
Visit to Poland 2018 Summer – food in pictures
While it is a few short days until an annual cake-day where we celebrate the passing of yet another year of deadline, assignments, must-do, should-do, could have-done…at the age of 42 (soon to be), I would like to reminisce about the latest memory of vacating in Europe. Vacation is not a vacation unless there are loads of pictures of clouds and FOOD. I will try…
When this website was created as a gift from my husband-to-be, he must have thought that I have a lot of things to say to the world. Two years later, this is my first post and it is daunting to think that my thoughts are seeping into the unattainable cloud of all things posted and written. Nonetheless, I do believe my thoughts should be…